We help you manage your patient’s neurologic condition by providing veterinary neurology consultations in your clinic or hospital. Each appointment consists of a complete physical and neurologic examination, discussion of the findings and recommendations for additional testing or treatment. A written summary is provided within 1 business day. Help your patients get the care they need , in the comfort and familiarity of your hospital, while staying in control of your patient’s care.

Initial consultation takes approximately 1 hour per patient. You are welcome to include the client for all, part or none of the consult.

Rest assured, all consultations are confidential.

Additional Testing or Referral

Additional services in hospital may include cerebrospinal fluid removal, muscle or nerve biopsy, MRI interpretation and other services. Please request a price list via email (

If advanced diagnostic testing, such as MRI, is indicated we will discuss options for outpatient or inpatient referral. Sometimes patient status changes quickly. If emergency treatment is recommended, we can help facilitate an emergency referral for you, same day, during the consultation.

Are you part of a 24-hour Specialty Hospital?

If so, neurosurgical procedures can also be performed if appropriate post-operative care is available. Please email or call me to discuss this option further. Price and procedure lists are available upon request.