Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Good bye 2020 and hello 2021!

This year I have learned:

  1. I'm more resilient then I thought.

  2. My kids are fragile, and yet stronger than I gave them credit for.

  3. I love working, especially as your "pocket neurologist"!

Things I am looking forward to in 2021:

  1. Going swimming in a swimming pool (not a lake). I'm tired of seaweed...

  2. Playing with my children at parks without fear of their (and my) exposure to a potentially deadly disease.

  3. Traveling to a city in Wisconsin or Illinois that I haven't yet been to (come on Northern Woods vets!!).

  4. Hugging!!

  5. Continuing to work with all of you wonderful, dedicate, kind, strong and resilient veterinarians and veterinary staff. YOU are whom I look forward to when I go to work!

Wishing all of us a happy, safe and prosperous New Year!