Seizures, Quality of Life and Side Effects, oh my!

A study published in JAVMA (Gristina BR et al. JAVMA 2023)  just recently caught my eye and I thought, perhaps it might interest you as well. The study evaluated 100 dogs with , with Tier I or Tier II level confidence of idiopathic epilepsy and assessed owner satisfaction, seizure control and adverse effects (the fancy name for side effects) of various drugs. 
*Tier I = normal CBC, serum biochemistry, neurologic examination and bile acid test
* Tier II = all of tier I plus normal brain MRI and CSF analysis

How was the Seizure Control?

Improvement in seizure control was reported in 86% of dogs with phenobarbital, 76% in the levetiracetam and 65% in the zonisamide group. Treatment failure, due to inadequate seizure control, was 48% for phenobarbital, 32% for  levetiracetam and 35% for zonisamide. Importantly, they didn't corelate seizure control with serum drug concentrations because we don't have target serum concentrations for levetiracetam and zonisamide. HTerefore, some dogs could have been under medicated, and thus poorly controlled. Interestingly, 88% of dogs were still on their original antiepileptic drug (AED) at the time this study was performed. Mean daily doses for phenobarbital, levetiracetam and zonisamide were 4.9  mg/kg, 53.8 mg/kg and 12.4 mg/kg, respectively. 

What side effects made a splash?

Phenobarbital had the highest reported adverse effects at 77%, followed by levetiracetam at 59% and zonisamide at 39% of dogs. The most common adverse effects are listed below for each drug:

  • Phenobarbital: polyphagia, polydipsia, ataxia, sedation and polyuria

  • Zonisamide: sedation, ataxia, hyporexia

  • Levetiracetam: Sedation, ataxia, hyporexia, diarrhea, behavioral changes.

What was the perceived Quality if Life?

Owners perceived a significant improvement in quality of life, regardless of the anticonvulsant used, between pre and post treatment assessment. This is important for us to realize: clients can tolerate adverse effects if they perceive improved seizure control and quality of life! Although this retrospective, owner-perception study has limitations (all studies do), I felt it was worth repeating a bit of the information for you to add to your knowledge when addressing seizure management with your clients. 

Have a wonderful week! Remember, early bird registration ends May 31st for the July CE event so register soon if you are planning to do so! Details are available on my website. 
