The Nuts and Bolts of Anticonvulsant Drug Monitoring

The following information is contained in these two tables:
1. What drugs can I run therapeutic drug monitoring levels?
2. Where do I submit samples?
3. When do I draw blood for sampling?
4. What is the standard reference interval?
5. What is MY (i.e. Dr. Heidi Barnes Heller's) recommended reference range
6. How should I collect this sample? Note - all samples for therapeutic drug monitoring should be spun and separated into a plain red top tube. Do not use serum separator tubes! Plasma can be used for some samples also. Please separate the plasma into a plain red top tube as well.
7. What time of the day should I collect the sample?
*** The format became a little messy with the mailer so email me directly if you want a printable PDF of these tables.

What is not contained in these tables?
How do I use this information obtained from a drug serum concentration?? Stay tuned for that in a separate TidBit Tuesday! :)

As always, please stay safe, and mentally and physically healthy out there. I love working with you and look forward to continuing to do so.

Please note that I am performing consults through December 25th and then I will be modifying my schedule through January 16th because of my concern for increasing COVID numbers following the holidays. As many of you know, I have an at risk kiddo so I am super-duper cautious. If you need a consult between December 25th and January 16th please email me to discuss options.

Happy Hanukkah to those of you also celebrating!