
Neurologic Cat?

Where is the Lesion?

History: Sarah is a 4 year old, indoor only FS DSH. She was obtained as a kitten and had been normal, per clients, her entire life thus far. She presented to me for acute onset (same day) weakness. No known trauma, toxin ingestion or medication exposure.

Physical examination: No abnormalities, normal TPR.

Neurologic examination:
•Mentation: BAR
•Gait: Ambulatory severe left hemiparesis with proprioceptive ataxia in all four limbs
•Cranial nerves: Normal
•Postural reactions: absent left thoracic and pelvic limbs only
•Reflexes: reduced withdrawal left thoracic limb, normal all other limbs. Cutaneous trunci absent left, normal right side.
•Palpation: Non-painful

Lesion localization? I do not see evidence of intracranial disease so automatically I localize caudal to C1. Both a front and rear leg are affect, so again, we can isolate cranial to T2. So...right away you can think left C1-C5 or C6-T2 myelopathy. Which is it? Well, the reflexes were reduced to the left thoracic limb, and the reflex arc is C6-T2, so our localization must involve C6-T2.
Up is differential diagnoses building. Here is what I came up with:
D: none, this is acute
A: None, the cat is too old for congenital disease onset signs
M: none
N: Lymphoma is possible however it is rarely acute in nature
I: Meningomyelitis (infectious or inflammatory) is possible
T: No known trauma, but cannot rule it out
V: Fibrocartilagenous embolism is highly likely due to the acute onset of signs.

Did you think of something else that I missed?
Unabashed plug for the CE August 2nd here - we will look more specifically at this case and do lesion localization in greater detail. Please consider joining us from 7-8PM. Details can be found at my website.

Diagnosis: I debated about giving this away before the talk and I have decided NOT to tell you the final diagnosis this week. I will share it on next week's TidBit Tuesday (August 3rd) so stay tuned!

Hopefully you enjoyed this case review this week. Do you have a suggestion for a TidBit Tuesday topic? If so - please send me an email. I would prefer to write about something you want to read. :)

I hope you have a great week!